World Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020.The Most Used Programming Languages in 2020.Java,JavaScript,Python,Kotlin,Golang,C#,Swift,Rust,PHP,C/C++.As a Programmer You Should Learn These Languages For Develop Any Kind Of Applications Or Softwares.
Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020
Finally, Java, one of the most popular, powerful, and effective programming languages. Even though I have been using Java for years, there are still many things I have to learn, e.g. many Java 8 features and now the new release of JDK 13.My goal for 2020 is to focus on recent Java changes on JDK 9, 10,11, 12 and 13. If yours is the same, then the Complete Java MasterClass is an excellent place to start with; it was updated for Java 11 recently.
Believe it or not, but JavaScript is the #1 language of the web. The rise of frameworks like jQuery, Angular JS, and React JS has made JavaScript even more popular. Since you just cannot stay away from the web, it's better to learn JavaScript sooner than later.
Even if you are not using Angular JS or React JS, there are many other libraries, like jQuery, which are based on JavaScript, and it's also the number one language for client-side validation, which makes it worth to learn JavaScript.
Python undoubtedly tops the list. It is widely accepted as the best programming language to learn first. Python is fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-deploy programming language that is being widely used to develop scalable web applications. YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey are all built-in Python. Python provides excellent library support and has a large developer community. The programming language provides a great starting point for beginners. Talking about those who are looking for a better job, you should definitely learn Python ASAP! A lot of startups are using Python as their primary backend stack and so, this opens up a huge opportunity for full-stack Python developers.
Both C and C++ are evergreen languages, and many of you probably know them from school.
C++ is a programming language, which has essential and object-oriented features. It is also referred to as a middle-level programming language. Bjarne Stroustrup develops it at Bell Labs since 1979.
It has first appeared in the year 1985.
But if you are doing some serious work in C++, I can guarantee you that your academic experience will not be enough.
C has been the parent language of the handful other langauges; some are either derived from C or inspired by its syntax, constructs, and paradigms, including Java and C#.
Even nowadays, it is seen, whenever there is a need to build high-performance applications, C remains the most popular choice.
Linux OS is C based. And CPP is the hybrid version of C.C++ is the object-oriented programming language and which is built on C; therefore, it is preferred over others for designing higher-level applications.C++ sees as more performing than dynamically typed languages because the code is type-checked before it is executed on real grounds.Core areas of development are Virtual Reality(VR), gaming, computer graphics, etc.
The Golang was reportedly conceived by developers at Google when they were waiting for the code compilation to complete in the project.This is precisely why Golang is the only language that incorporates all three sought-after capabilities, namely, ease of coding, efficient code-compilation, and efficient execution.
Bringing all these capabilities in one language is what made Golang so special.
Go or Golang, as it is called, is the powerful system-level language used for programming across large-scale network servers and big distributed systems.
Go is just like C/C++ comes as a compiled language, and this makes it as high-performing as them.
On the other hand, Go is also like Java for the allocation of variables, and it uses garbage collection and object removal. This makes Go as an ideal language to work within any hardware system.
PHP is a serverside scripting language.Over 60% of websites are built in PHP, and over 25% of the total website build on WordPress.
In Web development, PHP is still the most used language which has a variety of CMS and Frameworks.
Right now, PHP 7.3 is the latest version, and it has a great support community.
Laravel is the most used PHP web framework for building small, medium, and large enterprise applications.
Facebook, Dropbox, and many big tech websites are using PHP as a backend programming language.
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a general-purpose programming language.
PHP is the scripting language, which runs on a server, and it is used to create web pages written in the HTML.
It is popular because it is free, cheap, easy to set up, and simple to use for new programmers.
PHP is the compelling option for web developers around the globe.
It is widely used to create dynamic web page content and images used on websites.
It’s hitting on number #6 because of its broad range of usage.
Also, PHP is well dressed for the WordPress CMS (Content Management System).
If you are thinking seriously about Android App development, then Kotlin is the programming language to learn in 2020. It is probably the next big thing happening in the Android world.Even though Java is my preferred language, Kotlin has got native support, and many IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio is supporting Kotile for Android development.
Swift is a fantastic way to write software, whether it’s for phones, desktops, servers, or anything else that runs code. It’s a safe, fast, and interactive programming language that combines the best in modern language thinking with wisdom from the wider Apple engineering culture and the diverse contributions from its open-source community. The compiler is optimized for performance and the language is optimized for development, without compromising on either.Swift is friendly to new programmers. It’s an industrial-quality programming language that’s as expressive and enjoyable as a scripting language. Writing Swift code in a playground lets you experiment with code and see the results immediately, without the overhead of building and running an app.
Swift code is compiled and optimized to get the most out of modern hardware. The syntax and standard library have been designed based on the guiding principle that the obvious way to write your code should also perform the best. Its combination of safety and speed make Swift an excellent choice for everything from “Hello, world!” to an entire operating system.
Swift combines powerful type inference and pattern matching with a modern, lightweight syntax, allowing complex ideas to be expressed in a clear and concise manner. As a result, code is not just easier to write, but easier to read and maintain as well.
Rust is an open-source systems programming language that focuses on speed, memory safety and parallelism. Developers are using Rust to create a wide range of new software applications, such as game engines, operating systems, file systems, browser components and simulation engines for virtual reality.There are easier languages to learn, but it is because learning Rust is 10% learning its syntax and rules and 90% learning how to think properly Therefore, you probably should learn something like Python first (if you haven't already). It'll let you get away with almost everything.
161 companies reportedly use Rust in their tech stacks, including Dropbox, Sentry, and Wantedly. 885 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Rust.
C# is a hybrid of C and C++, it is a Microsoft programming language developed to compete with Sun's Java language. C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML-based Web services on the . NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications.
C# is considered a high level language. I would personally say that it has a high level of abstraction. A lot of complicated matters are handled by the.C# is the very much so a high level language and is more developed than most scripting languages
Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020 - Most Used Programming Languages in 2020
Reviewed by Owais Azam
Thursday, March 26, 2020
![Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020 - Most Used Programming Languages in 2020](
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